1.   My main regret is that I never finished my college degree.

2.   Bird said his main regret was that his late mother, Georgia, could not be there.

3.   He shrugged at this, emphasizing that his main regret is not the treaty but the trust placed in the Swiss to live up to it.

4.   Ms. Christophersen said her main regret was that the local historic district commission did not act sooner to save the house.

5.   The mayor, his voice sometimes breaking, said that the dismissals would continue and that his main regret was that he had not carried them out earlier.

6.   This year, his main regret is that the number of people attending from the Middle East may be lower than usual.

a. + regret >>共 109
only 17.27%
deep 12.53%
expressed 8.36%
biggest 8.36%
greatest 3.34%
great 3.34%
deepest 1.95%
main 1.67%
personal 1.67%
real 1.67%
main + n. >>共 880
road 4.14%
opposition 4.14%
reason 3.35%
street 2.08%
party 1.63%
problem 1.45%
source 1.33%
concern 1.31%
issue 1.13%
highway 1.13%
regret 0.02%
每页显示:    共 6