1.   Burns said the main intent of the legislation is to revamp outdated personnel rules.

2.   Butler said his main intent was pedagogical.

3.   However, the main intent of the strategy is to throw off attention from PRI-orchestrated abuses.

4.   The main intent was to recreate the sequence of events during the nine days following the explosion, when the destroyed reactor was actively releasing radionuclides into the environment.

5.   While his role in the suicides is not seriously in dispute, the trial is likely to hinge on whether jurors believe his main intent was to relieve suffering.

6.   But he said his main intent was to congratulate Major on his re-election as Conservative Party chief, according to Kyodo.

a. + intent >>共 208
criminal 11.83%
original 7.00%
malicious 5.17%
serious 3.33%
real 2.83%
evil 2.50%
congressional 2.00%
apparent 1.83%
legislative 1.83%
clear 1.67%
main 1.00%
main + n. >>共 880
road 4.14%
opposition 4.14%
reason 3.35%
street 2.08%
party 1.63%
problem 1.45%
source 1.33%
concern 1.31%
issue 1.13%
highway 1.13%
intent 0.02%
每页显示:    共 6