1.   Insurance companies identify six main categories of driver.

2.   The answers to this question fall into two main categories.

3.   The programs available at present fall into four main categories, as outlined below.

4.   There are two main categories of segmentation criteria.

5.   There are two main categories of university fees.

6.   This is the main category of patients.

7.   You can boil this down so that there are just two main categories.

a. + category >>共 703
new 5.98%
same 4.97%
different 4.06%
major 3.65%
broad 3.51%
second 2.81%
latter 2.64%
the 2.60%
separate 2.03%
statistical 1.55%
main 1.22%
main + n. >>共 880
road 4.14%
opposition 4.14%
reason 3.35%
street 2.08%
party 1.63%
problem 1.45%
source 1.33%
concern 1.31%
issue 1.13%
highway 1.13%
category 0.11%
每页显示:    共 36