1.   Once an SPR has been submitted, all users who may be affected by it are informed, via the mail system, of its existence.

2.   These users are notified of the SSR via the mail system.

3.   Where inherently slow processes are involved, LIFESPAN automatically sets them up as background activities and employs a mail system for informing users when they have been completed.

4.   The mail system is also used to inform users when they are due to perform some administrative tasks, such as assessing proposed changes or endorsing SSRs.

5.   The operation of the mail system is wholly automatic and orientated towards the convenience of LIFESPAN users.

6.   When modules suitable for deletion are identified these modules are nominated for deletion and the relevant module managers advised via the LIFESPAN mail system.

7.   PI accesses the LIFESPAN mail system in the same manner as a normal user would, to check on the completion and success of various transactions.

8.   To perform these checks, PI requires that the specified user has no mail in the LIFESPAN mail system on invocation.

9.   It produces a report of its findings via the LIFESPAN mail system.

10.   Successful installation will be confirmed via the LIFESPAN mail system.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
mail 0.23%
mail + n. >>共 289
fraud 12.27%
message 9.35%
delivery 8.11%
service 6.81%
room 4.32%
system 4.27%
facility 3.14%
box 2.92%
center 2.38%
bomb 2.05%
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