1.   These bursts of magnetic energy are contained in the scanner room by a Faraday Cage, a copper box which surrounds the whole room.

2.   It must be generated by some kind of waves or magnetic energy, but astronomers had been unable to identify a sufficient source.

3.   One produces power-reliability equipment, the other magnetic energy storage gear.

4.   The foursome have a rare magnetic energy.

5.   By plotting the rise and fall of this effect, researchers will be able to map the magnetic energy in the corona.

a. + energy >>共 1215
renewable 4.30%
solar 3.28%
new 3.21%
higher 2.70%
high 2.70%
alternative 2.67%
national 2.04%
creative 1.25%
rising 1.12%
nervous 1.09%
magnetic 0.09%
magnetic + n. >>共 256
strip 9.41%
stripe 3.66%
personality 2.26%
stimulation 1.74%
medium 1.74%
storage 1.57%
property 1.39%
attraction 1.22%
therapy 1.22%
material 1.22%
energy 0.87%
每页显示:    共 5