1.   Badly oiled Magellanic penguins are sometimes encountered wandering aimlessly along coastal roads in Argentina, Uruguay and even Brazil.

2.   How does a Magellanic penguin navigate?

3.   Researchers say the Magellanic penguins at Punta Tombo, which have steadily decreased in number for more than a decade, are not alone.

4.   Ten flightless Magellanic penguins waddled into their rookeries, guanay cormorants and other survivors, including an oystercatcher, took cover in nesting cavities.

5.   This grim conclusion comes after a study of two male Magellanic penguins whose movements were tracked during the past breeding season by a satellite radio network.

a. + penguin >>共 74
african 8.82%
antarctic 5.88%
magellanic 4.90%
little 1.96%
large 1.96%
diving 1.96%
blue 1.96%
live 1.96%
male 1.96%
oil-soaked 1.96%
magellanic + n. >>共 2
penguin 83.33%
migration 16.67%
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