1.   Hello magazine did a cover story on her last year.

2.   The magazine did well during the course of her employment as editor.

3.   The magazine recently did a cover story on diabetes.

4.   Do magazines do they same?

5.   And while all film magazines do it, few brings such snarky attitude to this annual chore as Movieline.

6.   AUTOtronics explained that the IASCA competition in Dallas stood for Invitational Auto Sound Challenge Association, where other magazines did not.

7.   Basically the fashion magazines are doing a fairly heavy service to America to keep showing girls who are healthy and decent.

8.   A week later, Newsweek magazine did, in an article that tried to refute most of the CNN-Time report.

9.   But the really subversive stuff is in the parodies, the kind the magazine has always done so well.

10.   Caplan said the magazine had done its best to provide a valuable consumer service to readers.

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magazine + v. >>共 613
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