1.   ...gangs of ruffians who lurk about intent on troublemaking.

2.   At first, Jacquelyn lurked about the house, awaiting the police knock.

3.   But in the process he lost his co-conspirator, Amsler, who took off because he thought he had seen an FBI agent lurking about the site.

4.   The colorful patterns on one page are clues about which animal lurks behind each geometric shape on the next fold-out page.

5.   Traditionally, bridesmaids were young women who surrounded the bride to confuse any evil spirits lurking about.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
lurk 0.01%
lurk + p. >>共 42
in 41.64%
behind 9.99%
around 7.05%
on 6.31%
beneath 5.68%
at 3.47%
within 2.94%
nearby 2.52%
inside 2.10%
under 2.00%
about 0.53%
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