1.   He told me in lurid detail what would happen to me.

2.   Karen limned it in, surprised at how easily she added lurid details.

3.   But in the view of some outside lawyers, the gag order will probably only postpone and muffle, not prevent, disclosure of further lurid details and allegations.

4.   But Starr is a study in overkill, even on the claims devoid of lurid sexual details.

5.   But the lurid details in the order that the Bear Stearns Securities Corp. signed on Thursday to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges have staying power.

6.   Even if we are, legal experts say viewers lured by the lurid details may actually learn something about their constitutional rights.

7.   For cybersmart kids, the lurid details are just a click away after Congress put the report by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr on the Internet.

8.   In many ways, the Simpson story is made for the tabloids, combining the lurid details of Hollywood dirty laundry with a murder mystery.

9.   Lurid details of genital mutilation on Marines overrun by the enemy.

10.   No amount of editorial finger-wagging at oversexed Billy Clinton can erase the news media role in profiteering off the lurid details.

a. + detail >>共 488
further 35.62%
no 6.21%
financial 3.42%
final 2.80%
immediate 2.71%
additional 2.37%
new 2.00%
full 1.69%
any 1.61%
specific 1.54%
lurid 0.28%
lurid + n. >>共 164
detail 11.22%
tales 3.74%
story 3.40%
account 2.72%
headline 2.04%
allegation 2.04%
crime 2.04%
sex 2.04%
testimony 1.70%
film 1.36%
每页显示:    共 33