1.   Several studies have shown the association of reflux oesophagitis with lower oesophageal sphincter dysfunction and impaired oesophageal peristalsis.

2.   Lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was measured with the rapid pull through technique.

3.   Lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was measured as the mean from nine rapid pull through readings.

4.   Patients had significantly lower median lower oesophageal sphincter pressures than controls.

5.   The patients also tended to have lower median proximal oesophageal amplitudes than controls but this failed to reach statistical significance.

6.   Gill et al studied the effects of fundoplication on basal lower oesophageal sphincter pressures and oesophageal body motility in patients with symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.

7.   They showed improvements in lower oesophageal sphincter pressures and peristaltic amplitudes.

a. + oesophageal >>共 38
lower 31.11%
normal 7.41%
corrosive 5.93%
upper 5.19%
prolonged 5.19%
impaired 4.44%
primary 3.70%
basal 2.96%
median 2.22%
severe 2.22%
lower + n. >>共 573
price 9.68%
rate 7.98%
house 7.62%
court 6.23%
cost 4.78%
level 2.87%
tax 2.39%
back 2.29%
profit 1.22%
earnings 1.11%
oesophageal 0.19%
每页显示:    共 42