1.   Add the chopped shallots, lower the heat to medium-low and saute the shallots until they are just turning golden.

2.   Add the squid and stir, then lower the heat, and add the wine.

3.   Bring the mixture to the boil, lower the heat, and set the cover so it is askew.

4.   Bring the poaching liquid back to the boil, then lower the heat so it is barely bubbling.

5.   Bring to a boil, and lower the heat until the cheese melts.

6.   Bring to a boil, then lower the heat so the soup is simmering.

7.   Bring to a boil over high heat, lower the heat to a simmer and cover the pan.

8.   Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and cover the pan.

9.   Cover and lower heat.

10.   Cover pot, bring water to a boil and then lower heat to a simmer.

v. + heat >>共 330
reduce 14.21%
take 9.06%
feel 6.78%
turn 6.53%
increase 3.05%
generate 2.93%
raise 2.25%
keep 2.03%
trap 1.93%
have 1.74%
lower 1.51%
lower + n. >>共 708
cost 10.47%
price 10.11%
rate 7.66%
expectation 3.36%
tax 2.80%
risk 2.78%
flag 2.36%
level 2.29%
barrier 2.15%
head 2.05%
heat 0.76%
每页显示:    共 47