1.   I just love the way she laughs.

2.   I love the way she sings that song.

3.   We love the way everyone joins in the spirit of the thing.

4.   And I certainly love the way that both eyes are catching those lovely highlights!

5.   She loved the way they felt.

6.   She loved the way you teased the crowds, made them laugh, made them love you.

7.   I love the way of life over here.

8.   I love the way she does that, she goes so stupid!

9.   Dog pooh!

10.   I love the way he says that!

v. + way >>共 454
find 16.63%
make 8.67%
give 6.26%
have 5.46%
pave 5.22%
change 3.45%
clear 3.43%
lead 2.96%
discuss 2.79%
open 1.89%
love 0.28%
love + n. >>共 1634
game 3.15%
job 1.84%
child 1.76%
music 1.74%
sport 1.67%
way 1.56%
idea 1.50%
one 1.46%
people 1.40%
country 1.35%
每页显示:    共 102