1.   For instance, he loved a poem by Susan Wheeler in an issue of The New Yorker that also featured a piece by him.

2.   His attempts at poetry go back to love poems he wrote to Rosalynn while under water in a Navy submarine.

3.   Love poems?

4.   The site features people reciting poems, especially love poems.

v. + poem >>共 142
write 27.37%
read 17.09%
recite 7.59%
publish 4.75%
include 2.53%
compose 2.06%
memorize 1.27%
send 1.11%
translate 1.11%
print 0.95%
love 0.63%
love + n. >>共 1634
game 3.15%
job 1.84%
child 1.76%
music 1.74%
sport 1.67%
way 1.56%
idea 1.50%
one 1.46%
people 1.40%
country 1.35%
poem 0.06%
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