1.   A lot of people think that capitalism is the only system that works, but I disagree.

2.   A lot of politicians think about writing their memoirs.

3.   A lot of people think that students just piss around all day smoking dope.

4.   A lot of people think otherwise.

5.   Got lot to think about, they bad?

6.   What that lot out I think.

7.   And a lot of people think the CIA is some sort of secret police force, running around the United States killing people with high-tech guns.

8.   And a lot of people thought I was just living on the money she made.

9.   And a lot of them think the wrong things about Gonzalez.

10.   And where a lot of artists at the time thought that sampling was a misuse of their music, Curtis saw just the opposite.

n. + think >>共 627
people 16.24%
analyst 3.75%
official 2.41%
investor 2.12%
expert 1.96%
scientist 1.54%
observer 1.48%
doctor 1.47%
company 1.41%
player 1.34%
lot 0.92%
lot + v. >>共 523
be 62.24%
have 4.08%
go 1.89%
depend 1.70%
happen 1.60%
change 1.40%
think 1.37%
do 1.36%
come 1.21%
get 0.89%
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