1.   The loss of consciousness results from the epileptic process involving hippocampal regions of the medial temporal lobes.

2.   But a loss could very well result in them being eliminated.

3.   Higher-coupon bonds on the other hand typically trade above face value, so if they are held until redemption a capital loss will result.

4.   If genetically engineered cotton produces poor harvests, big losses can result.

5.   In each of those quarters, the losses resulted from one-time charges.

6.   Morgan is an active dealer in bonds from Latin American countries, although the bank did not say how much of the bond loss resulted from these markets.

7.   Needless loss of life resulted from a policy that emphasized backing away from provocation and discouraging self-defense.

8.   National said the loss resulted from charges associated with the sale earlier this year of its Fairchild Semiconductor division.

9.   Samaritan officials said the loss would not result in layoffs or cuts in patient care.

10.   She said weight loss might result when women change bad eating habits.

n. + result >>共 1456
change 1.54%
problem 1.50%
death 1.13%
merger 1.11%
case 1.06%
charge 1.06%
move 0.98%
injury 0.96%
error 0.96%
investigation 0.81%
loss 0.71%
loss + v. >>共 505
be 38.74%
come 4.64%
mean 2.12%
leave 2.04%
have 1.55%
make 1.55%
continue 1.47%
drop 1.30%
mount 1.24%
occur 1.18%
result 0.71%
每页显示:    共 34