1.   Bund gains were underpinned as U.S. bonds rose for a second day after jobless claims and manufacturing reports suggested the economy may be losing steam.

2.   Matsushima added that corporate profits were losing steam, and companies are taking more time than expected to shed high inventories.

3.   Matsushima added that corporate profits were losing steam, and companies are taking more time than expected to shed inventories.

4.   Some analysts say the Fed should cut rates aggressively because the economy is fast losing steam.

5.   Buoying oils, but itself later losing steam, was oil giant BP Amoco.

6.   Previous attempts have fallen far short, and there were signs that the strike was losing steam as pickets returned to work.

a. + steam >>共 156
full 13.71%
gathering 8.86%
radioactive 3.71%
white 3.71%
hot 2.86%
new 2.29%
old 2.00%
high-pressure 2.00%
losing 1.71%
lost 1.71%
losing + n. >>共 346
streak 44.37%
season 5.61%
battle 4.01%
team 3.77%
side 3.64%
record 3.48%
candidate 1.57%
pitcher 1.43%
end 1.41%
money 1.41%
steam 0.16%
每页显示:    共 6