1.   Deputy District Attorney Cynthia Brewer disagreed, though she noted that it was always a concern that nuances might get lost in courtroom interpretation.

2.   If cooked at a high temperature for too long, it loses its nuance.

3.   Still, such nuances are lost in black-or-white headlines.

4.   These nuances are lost on adults.

5.   Unfortunately, these nuances can be lost in heavily oaked wines.

v. + nuance >>共 106
understand 7.43%
add 4.95%
learn 4.95%
master 3.47%
appreciate 2.97%
grasp 2.97%
explore 2.48%
lose 2.48%
have 1.98%
miss 1.98%
lose + n. >>共 773
job 6.42%
money 4.88%
control 3.64%
game 2.65%
ground 2.64%
weight 2.04%
power 1.18%
interest 1.16%
sight 0.99%
confidence 0.99%
nuance 0.01%
每页显示:    共 5