1.   It makes you so sick that you lose the baby.

2.   Patricia lost the baby after six months.

3.   Pregnancy is acceptable, but should a woman lose her baby she will lose her right to apply for such a post.

4.   Sadly, Anna lost the baby.

5.   She was three months pregnant when she lost the baby.

6.   When TV presenter Anne Diamond lost her baby through cot death she started a nationwide awareness campaign.

7.   Karen Grundy is hoping to start a branch of the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society Sands to help families who have lost babies.

8.   The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society offers help for families who have lost babies and has just set up a Darlington branch.

9.   Jeanette and Simon Edwards, who lost two babies in three years, want to show their support for the new group by giving it a cash boost.

10.   A week before that, my girlfriend, she had lost the baby.

v. + baby >>共 483
have 17.77%
deliver 5.48%
take 3.45%
carry 2.81%
hold 2.67%
expect 2.45%
find 2.09%
kill 2.00%
kiss 1.72%
adopt 1.67%
lose 1.61%
lose + n. >>共 773
job 6.42%
money 4.88%
control 3.64%
game 2.65%
ground 2.64%
weight 2.04%
power 1.18%
interest 1.16%
sight 0.99%
confidence 0.99%
baby 0.13%
每页显示:    共 58