1.   He used a spade to loosen the soil.

2.   Compacted soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

3.   First, he squirts drops of acetone to loosen soil caked on the skeleton.

4.   In this case, residents said, city officials failed to stop impoverished people from erecting homes at the top of the hill, thus loosening the soil.

5.   It produced vermiculite, a handy material that lined pools, insulated attics and loosened garden soil.

6.   Lengths of perforated soil pipe should be buried in this gravel to catch trapped water and help it drain away without loosening the soil behind the retaining wall.

7.   Loosening the soil will make it easier for plants to grow.

8.   Prepare the site by loosening the soil with a shovel.

9.   Sometimes loosening the soil around the roses to allow more air circulation to the roots will end blackspot, according to Altgelt.

10.   The parallel jaws loosen the soil and churn it up to the surface.

v. + soil >>共 271
reach 2.71%
till 2.71%
enrich 2.71%
improve 2.38%
loosen 2.16%
keep 2.06%
touch 1.95%
use 1.95%
aerate 1.84%
pot 1.84%
loosen + n. >>共 290
restriction 10.16%
grip 7.86%
control 6.45%
rule 5.48%
tie 5.12%
regulation 3.62%
policy 3.27%
rein 2.03%
soil 1.77%
hold 1.68%
每页显示:    共 20