1.   But as usual, he reserved his most stinging words for Chirac, a longtime enemy.

2.   By virtue and necessity, the new agreement throws the two longtime enemies into collaboration on such things as security arrangements, water resources and economic development projects.

3.   Had Mark Green, the Democrat and a longtime enemy of Giuliani, beaten Bloomberg, these aides said, Giuliani would have sought to handcuff him.

4.   Her appetite for peace got a boost Wednesday when U.S. President Bill Clinton announced that the two longtime enemies would resume peace talks next week in Washington.

5.   His aides say Assad has been psychologically preparing the Syrian people for peace with their longtime enemy.

6.   India and Pakistan are longtime enemies, and each typically blames the other for every woe.

7.   Klein has always had a weight problem, and his book is something of a rebellion, a declaration of peace with a longtime enemy.

8.   The Clinton administration and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein are longtime enemies and Sudan is ruled by fundamentalist Muslims who are fighting a civil war against Christians.

9.   Their rapprochement with longtime enemy Yasser Arafat was not popular with many Orthodox Jews and conservative lawmakers, or with Lang.

10.   This year has been particularly hard for supporters of Israel, who have had to redefine their purpose as longtime enemies in the Middle East are negotiating peace agreements.

a. + enemy >>共 497
former 11.37%
political 8.81%
worst 6.11%
bitter 4.91%
old 4.60%
common 3.76%
sworn 3.09%
natural 2.49%
new 1.83%
potential 1.72%
longtime 1.09%
longtime + n. >>共 1033
friend 12.74%
resident 4.05%
ally 3.43%
rival 2.78%
supporter 2.24%
coach 2.05%
member 1.74%
fan 1.64%
leader 1.44%
critic 1.38%
enemy 0.49%
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