1.   A longer pause.

2.   Dismissal follows any pause longer than that needed to take breath.

3.   The longer pauses between beats gave the surgeons more time to thread the stitches through the artery.

4.   There was a longer pause.

a. + pause >>共 148
long 22.13%
brief 9.76%
bombing 5.42%
short 4.12%
awkward 3.47%
dramatic 3.25%
pregnant 3.04%
momentary 2.39%
slight 1.95%
temporary 1.74%
longer 0.87%
longer + n. >>共 1164
term 10.14%
period 6.67%
hour 4.34%
time 2.38%
sentence 2.09%
maturity 1.87%
life 1.53%
lot 1.41%
run 1.24%
distance 1.13%
pause 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4