1.   The longer intervals will also avoid the costs of unnecessary testing.

2.   Those cocultured on a mesenchyme fibroblastic feeder layer, however, proliferate more readily, and can be maintained for longer intervals in vitro.

3.   For longer intervals there may be a seasonal effect, e.g. depression in winter, anxiety as exams approach.

4.   Clinton prefers, with justification, to spread out budget cuts over a longer interval.

5.   Longer intervals can be set by a physician for a patient with less pain than Bessella was experiencing.

6.   Nevertheless, patients say that many Kaiser doctors have continued annual testing and are only now beginning to recommend longer intervals between tests.

7.   The good news is vehicles are generally more reliable than ever these days, so there are longer intervals between tuneups.

8.   Such asteroids could theoretically hit Earth every million years, or at longer intervals.

9.   Then El Nino and La Nina will visit us at much longer intervals.

10.   Earth tremors continued in Gisenyi on Saturday, albeit at longer intervals than the previous night.

a. + interval >>共 128
regular 34.45%
frequent 5.12%
brief 4.59%
short 3.89%
irregular 3.71%
long 3.18%
decent 3.18%
longer 1.77%
weekly 1.77%
sunny 1.77%
longer + n. >>共 1164
term 10.14%
period 6.67%
hour 4.34%
time 2.38%
sentence 2.09%
maturity 1.87%
life 1.53%
lot 1.41%
run 1.24%
distance 1.13%
interval 0.19%
每页显示:    共 10