1.   Also, the longer a loan, the greater the total payment and the longer it takes to build up equity.

2.   But the longer a referendum is delayed, it is argued, the weaker the British position becomes.

3.   But the longer a woman nurses, the less her prolactin spikes and the more likely her other hormones bounce back to normal.

4.   He said the longer a politician is out of office, the further his donations will dwindle.

5.   The fewer the virus particles, the longer a patient is predicted to live.

6.   The flip side is that the longer a politician waits, the more his position is likely to be viewed as political positioning pure and simple.

7.   The longer a theater keeps a film, the more box office revenues it keeps, according to standard contracts.

8.   The longer a baby stays in the womb past the due date, the greater the chances are of complications as the placenta deteriorates and the amniotic fluids decrease.

9.   The longer a mutual fund holds a stock and the less trading the funds does, the lower the turnover will be.

10.   The proteins group tightly together so that the longer a telomere is, the more proteins are attached.

a. + a >>共 122
older 6.93%
just 5.45%
longer 4.95%
likely 4.46%
bigger 3.96%
larger 2.48%
successful 2.48%
faster 1.98%
heavier 1.49%
latter 1.49%
longer + p. >>共 26
in 24.43%
on 12.50%
for 9.66%
as 6.25%
before 6.25%
a 5.68%
to 5.68%
by 5.11%
with 5.11%
at 2.84%
每页显示:    共 10