1.   Any state attempting to join later would have to ratify the treaty first-usually a long process.

2.   Brewing beer is a long process and should not be hurried.

3.   Decisions came only after a long process of compromise.

4.   Only after several days does it fuse with the egg and so complete the long process of fertilisation.

5.   Signing the contract is just the beginning of a long process.

6.   That outcome of the long process of evolution which will enable them to govern the uses of their own physical mechanisms.

7.   The high professional standards present in some other occupations, such as science or medicine, are the outcome of a long process.

8.   Try to be patient through the long process of healing.

9.   Learning a foreign language can be a long process.

10.   The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process.

a. + process >>共 909
political 4.51%
whole 2.48%
electoral 2.23%
democratic 2.19%
decision-making 2.07%
bidding 1.96%
manufacturing 1.92%
legal 1.88%
entire 1.78%
healing 1.55%
long 1.17%
long + n. >>共 804
time 12.69%
way 7.82%
term 4.60%
line 3.68%
period 2.80%
history 2.48%
list 2.32%
hour 1.51%
day 1.19%
weekend 1.08%
process 0.38%
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