1.   Always lock your garage.

2.   I drove via Barking to call in on Duncan the Drunken before the traffic built up, but his garage was locked and that meant calling at the house.

3.   The garage is never locked!

4.   Officers advise residents on preventive measures, such as buying car alarms, parking on well-lit streets and locking their garages.

v. + garage >>共 129
park 26.98%
have 4.50%
build 3.97%
enter 3.44%
use 2.91%
own 2.38%
convert 2.12%
level 1.85%
open 1.59%
leave 1.59%
lock 1.06%
lock + n. >>共 450
door 27.75%
horn 4.92%
gate 3.51%
arm 2.63%
car 2.17%
eye 1.99%
company 1.35%
side 1.23%
exit 1.23%
country 1.11%
garage 0.23%
每页显示:    共 4