1.   The dot location task, which involves predominantly the right hemisphere, was expected to remain unaffected.

2.   This could be done by asking subjects to listen to and hum back music while performing the dot location task.

3.   After each trial in the location task, the subject was asked to name the position of the dot according to grid numbers mounted on the tachistoscope.

n. + task >>共 202
herculean 6.82%
maintenance 3.15%
judgment 2.89%
day 2.62%
management 2.10%
cleanup 1.57%
security 1.57%
year 1.57%
police 1.57%
business 1.57%
location 1.05%
location + n. >>共 115
information 10.81%
shoot 5.79%
scout 5.41%
manager 5.02%
datum 4.25%
system 2.70%
technology 2.70%
close 2.32%
work 2.32%
service 2.32%
task 1.54%
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