1.   It will consume much less power than location devices that rely on Global Positioning System satellites.

2.   Through an automatic vehicle location device now being developed, the system will sense trouble ahead.

3.   Companies designing the location devices for the handsets say it offers even greater accuracy and flexibility for future advances.

4.   The location devices are not yet widely available in Russia.

n. + device >>共 739
safety 6.15%
storage 4.71%
communication 4.59%
security 3.18%
control 2.74%
detection 1.89%
consumer 1.81%
plot 1.81%
high-tech 1.25%
memory 1.25%
location 0.16%
location + n. >>共 115
information 10.81%
shoot 5.79%
scout 5.41%
manager 5.02%
datum 4.25%
system 2.70%
technology 2.70%
close 2.32%
work 2.32%
service 2.32%
device 1.54%
每页显示:    共 4