1.   Atherton said another idea was to locate future memorials in Washington for only a few years before relocating them permanently somewhere else.

2.   He said he agreed on one point with preservationists who oppose locating the memorial on the grassy mall between the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial.

3.   The memorial is located on the shore of Hyannis Harbor.

4.   He has complained the design is too monumental and the decision to locate the memorial in the heart of Berlin is an invitation to vandals.

v. + memorial >>共 164
build 12.36%
plan 7.01%
erect 5.17%
visit 4.80%
hold 4.43%
dedicate 4.24%
attend 4.24%
design 2.95%
create 2.77%
have 2.77%
locate 0.74%
locate + n. >>共 810
body 2.33%
plant 2.12%
office 1.76%
source 1.55%
site 1.47%
people 1.22%
center 1.06%
man 1.02%
wreckage 0.94%
grave 0.94%
memorial 0.16%
每页显示:    共 4