1.   As the newer varieties of catfish have appeared in my local aquatic outlet, I have been purchasing them.

2.   Most local commercial outlets dealt in things to wear or watch or eat.

3.   AOL says consumers concerned about the environment can call local recycling outlets to find out if they accept materials made of polycarbonate and metal.

4.   At the same time, other local outlets have emerged and grown.

5.   At school, she was an honor student and band member, and she also worked part-time at a local outlet mall.

6.   After an inevitable indiscretion behind the local Ace outlet, our heroine finds herself in the supposedly safe care of some abortion-rights lesbians.

7.   Clerks at local sales outlets are expecting big lines as more people buy tickets in hopes of winning the jackpot.

8.   He said Ticketmaster had far more local sales outlets and could offer better customer service.

9.   I checked with several local outlets, but to no avail, and finally ended up calling around to the pawn shops.

10.   Instead, it wrested the games from ESPN to let the teams show them on their local TV outlets.

a. + outlet >>共 430
electrical 10.31%
new 8.58%
sales 3.86%
broadcast 3.46%
only 2.12%
first 1.97%
local 1.73%
creative 1.65%
main 1.49%
major 1.42%
local + n. >>共 935
official 4.23%
government 4.23%
authority 4.11%
police 2.59%
resident 2.54%
newspaper 1.92%
hospital 1.77%
election 1.63%
medium 1.52%
people 1.38%
outlet 0.03%
每页显示:    共 22