1.   All service providers require you to buy the local loop segment from your facility to their closest PoP.

2.   But copper wire still dominates the local loop, the wires that hook up computers and phones within offices, or that are used to add second phone lines.

3.   But the argument in favor is that the Network Co. would have no particular incentive to rent local loops to any particular company.

4.   In Tanzania and Ghana, school kids keep in touch using a wireless local loop with a combination of pagers and wireless pay phones.

5.   In the meantime, InterDigital also will build equipment for wireless local phone networks -- known as wireless local loops.

6.   It was not always thus, for the local loop has traditionally been the low-margin bit of the business.

7.   Nor can two neighbors call one another with the modems and expect the faster connection speeds, since their call is unlikely to escape the local loop.

8.   Now, Kluge also hopes to offer a new form of local telephone service, called wireless local loop.

9.   On my cable system, my bandwidth depends on how many people are using the same local loop at the same time.

10.   Qualcomm said its wireless local loop network allows phone companies to quickly and more cheaply offer basic phone services to regions with large populations.

a. + loop >>共 200
triple 9.98%
local 4.75%
endless 4.04%
wireless 3.56%
continuous 2.85%
next 2.61%
double 2.38%
closed 2.14%
long 1.66%
video 1.43%
local + n. >>共 935
official 4.23%
government 4.23%
authority 4.11%
police 2.59%
resident 2.54%
newspaper 1.92%
hospital 1.77%
election 1.63%
medium 1.52%
people 1.38%
loop 0.03%
每页显示:    共 20