1.   A number of public services and voluntary bodies are engaged in fighting drug misuse at local level.

2.   At local level, control exerted by NGOs varies widely, depending on their philosophy, their economic clout, and individual personalities.

3.   At local level, responsibility for child care rests with the social services committees of the local authorities.

4.   At the local level it was expressed by a shared set of values and policies, operating within a welfare state consensus.

5.   At the local level, there has been a considerable range of approaches to public transport provision.

6.   At the local level, too, there were calls for the maximum amount of latitude in self-administration.

7.   Bureaucracy, long absent from the country, was making a rapid return, both at central and at local levels.

8.   But a shared sense of collective values can still hold society together at the local level.

9.   But in the current anti-federal government political climate, the primary leadership will have to come from the state and local levels.

a. + level >>共 586
high 10.25%
highest 6.88%
lowest 4.21%
low 4.18%
higher 4.15%
record 2.99%
current 2.92%
lower 2.79%
new 2.19%
same 2.15%
local 1.91%
local + n. >>共 935
official 4.23%
government 4.23%
authority 4.11%
police 2.59%
resident 2.54%
newspaper 1.92%
hospital 1.77%
election 1.63%
medium 1.52%
people 1.38%
level 0.56%
每页显示:    共 442