1.   Great food is served on board, usually including a lobster bake.

2.   In summer and fall, they come for old-fashioned vacations on the beach, lobster bakes and world-class golf courses.

3.   No visit to New England is complete without taking in a lobster bake.

4.   Other spreads have included a lobster bake and a Tex-Mex fiesta.

5.   The exception is on Friday nights, when everyone gathers on the beach for a Down East lobster bake.

6.   The traditional six-day package offers immersion in the routines of shipboard life, many ports of call and a beachside lobster bake.

7.   Passengers serve themselves on deck, family style, except on the night they go ashore for a lobster bake.

8.   Forget about waiting for lobster bakes on sandy beaches.

n. + bake >>共 9
lobster 44.44%
batch 11.11%
clam 11.11%
brother 5.56%
chile-cheese 5.56%
community 5.56%
fish 5.56%
lattice 5.56%
rice 5.56%
lobster + n. >>共 151
boat 6.52%
meat 6.02%
trap 5.26%
tail 5.26%
roll 4.51%
salad 4.01%
dinner 3.76%
bisque 3.76%
bake 2.01%
shell 2.01%
每页显示:    共 8