1.   Wright said lobbying to keep red tape and regulatory cost to a minimum for local companies will be a priority.

2.   Hereford MP Colin Shepherd has lobbied to keep the base open.

3.   Although Hardaway reportedly clashed with former Orlando Coach Chuck Daly, Rivers has lobbied to keep him.

4.   But administration officials said Magaziner was lobbying to keep his portfolio, with some support from one extremely influential patron, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

5.   But low-fare carriers, such as Dallas-based Southwest, are lobbying to keep the ticket-tax system in place.

6.   But the House version would not, and companies that now screen passengers are lobbying to keep the work in their hands.

7.   General manager Bobby Beathard, who desperately wanted Jones to stay, had lobbied to keep him.

8.   He had planned on reading them on National Public Radio before the Fraternal Order of Police in Philadelphia successfully lobbied to keep him off the air.

9.   Lawmakers say that Tenet has lobbied to keep his job, but transition officials said that was unlikely.

10.   McCain lobbies to keep Cuban boy in U.S.

v. + keep >>共 530
fight 13.88%
work 7.64%
do 6.39%
use 6.13%
can 4.63%
battle 1.61%
opt 1.46%
win 1.35%
lobby 1.30%
be 1.04%
lobby + v. >>共 106
have 14.86%
keep 9.06%
get 5.07%
change 4.35%
make 2.90%
block 2.54%
include 2.17%
save 2.17%
join 2.17%
bring 2.17%
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