1.   Because the elderly often experience a Decline in liver function, these drugs are metabolized at a slower rate.

2.   The use of rose bengal dye was the first attempt at assessing liver function through dye excretion.

3.   The sign and symptoms of hepatitis B include anorexia, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, an enlarged liver, jaundice, and abnormal liver function tests.

a. + function >>共 772
bodily 2.95%
official 2.74%
basic 2.55%
public 2.46%
important 2.28%
social 2.25%
same 1.91%
different 1.82%
normal 1.82%
liver 1.79%
liver + n. >>共 148
transplant 15.89%
disease 15.38%
cancer 11.89%
failure 11.02%
damage 7.53%
problem 3.74%
function 3.02%
cell 2.61%
enzyme 2.51%
ailment 2.41%
每页显示:    共 59