1.   Or, conversely, when suddenly confronted with real live humans, I get overexcited, speak too much, interrupt.

2.   Anne DeLong, spokeswoman for the Catholic-based Human Life International, said the embryos are live humans and it would be wrong to destroy them.

3.   At least for now, most of them prefer a live human to an electronic mouse.

4.   But what is more artificial than putting live humans in blatantly contrived settings?

5.   Fogel, it seems, had a simple question, called the motor vehicle office but was never able to make contact with a live human.

6.   I told the live human who I wanted to speak with at my local bank.

7.   No live humans are involved at the entry level.

a. + human >>共 324
modern 15.04%
cloning 6.04%
first 5.14%
early 4.24%
fellow 2.19%
infected 1.67%
cloned 1.29%
normal 1.29%
only 1.29%
the 1.16%
live 0.90%
live + n. >>共 979
ammunition 5.83%
television 5.41%
coverage 3.91%
music 3.80%
performance 3.49%
broadcast 3.25%
animal 2.35%
show 2.06%
round 2.03%
bullet 1.61%
human 0.11%
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