1.   Canisters of the chemical lithium hydroxide were employed to control carbon dioxide levels.

2.   Canisters of soda lime or lithium hydroxide do the first part by scrubbing carbon dioxide out of the air.

3.   Ground controllers speculated the irritant may have been loose particles of lithium hydroxide, a chemical enclosed in a small canister in the back of the suit.

4.   Progress also carried new supplies of lithium perchlorate and lithium hydroxide needed to provide breatheable air until the systems can be repaired.

5.   Since then, the three men have relied on releasing lithium hydroxide from containers to chemically remove the carbon dioxide.

n. + hydroxide >>共 4
lithium 62.50%
aluminium 12.50%
barium 12.50%
nickel 12.50%
lithium + n. >>共 24
battery 56.44%
candle 8.91%
hydroxide 4.95%
ion 3.96%
technology 2.97%
atom 1.98%
container 1.98%
perchlorate 1.98%
salt 1.98%
canister 0.99%
每页显示:    共 5