1.   Remember, the review of literature section allows plenty of space for discussing the many facets of the problem and related research.

2.   The review of literature section and more often than not will comprise the longest section in the research proposal.

3.   I ask for the French literature section, but there is not one anymore.

4.   The corporate policy at Borders bookstores, says the latest Mother Jones, is to shelve just about all books by black authors in an African American literature section.

n. + section >>共 881
interest 6.39%
sport 4.06%
tail 3.21%
rhythm 2.72%
east 2.56%
business 2.37%
west 2.10%
produce 1.84%
north 1.49%
student 1.49%
literature 0.15%
literature + n. >>共 81
prize 23.49%
professor 11.39%
course 5.34%
laureate 4.98%
class 4.98%
student 3.56%
winner 2.85%
search 2.49%
review 2.14%
teacher 2.14%
section 1.42%
每页显示:    共 4