1.   A literature search has to be made by the learner, who then makes an assessment of the particular problem.

2.   Go to your library and carry out a literature search on that particular system.

3.   One of the students had tried to carry out a literature search during the summer, before coming on the course.

4.   So you knew how to carry out a literature search before you came on this course?

5.   The Library carries out literature searches on behalf of staff, by interrogating large bibliographic databases which are mounted on very large computers.

6.   Johnson participates in an on-line study group, exchanges documents with the church bureaucracy and conducts electronic literature searches.

7.   The system provides access eight times a day to the Internet for literature searches, access to medical libraries and for sending and receiving messages.

n. + search >>共 403
job 10.50%
police 9.52%
house 2.94%
computer 2.48%
air 2.28%
weapon 2.15%
helicopter 1.83%
title 1.44%
bag 1.37%
baggage 1.24%
literature 0.46%
literature + n. >>共 81
prize 23.49%
professor 11.39%
course 5.34%
laureate 4.98%
class 4.98%
student 3.56%
winner 2.85%
search 2.49%
review 2.14%
teacher 2.14%
每页显示:    共 7