1.   A health food store is a good place to search for the herbs listed above.

2.   Each of the departments listed above has its senior minister, the secretary of state, in the Cabinet.

3.   Intuitive judgements of the kind listed above are undoubtedly more informative than gross judgements of abnormality.

4.   The comparative static propositions listed above can be tested with respect to these particular optimal values.

5.   The commands to draw lines and characters are much the same as those listed above.

6.   These instructions are to be executed by the Job Control instructions that are listed immediately above.

7.   The questions listed above are typical rather than comprehensive.

8.   General SVQs at levels II and III are available in each of the five occupational areas listed above.

9.   Describing the lexical access task in these very general terms provides a common vocabulary for comparing design decisions in each of the areas listed above.

v. + above >>共 583
hover 6.90%
remain 4.59%
mention 4.19%
describe 3.76%
hang 3.70%
stay 3.08%
stand 2.99%
list 2.25%
hear 2.00%
outline 1.82%
list + p. >>共 53
as 30.53%
in 29.86%
on 24.90%
for 2.76%
below 2.08%
among 1.69%
under 1.43%
of 1.43%
above 1.21%
at 1.21%
每页显示:    共 73