1.   Are shoppers somehow at fault if they have no concept of liquidity preference?

2.   The term structure of interest rates is affected by liquidity preferences, future expectations, and supply and demand conditions.

3.   The phenomenon of liquidity preference can find no place in a model that admits of only one asset, fiat money.

4.   This alteration is reflected in the swift shift in liquidity preferences from illiquid resources to liquid ones.

n. + preference >>共 138
trade 14.43%
consumer 9.11%
gender 4.56%
voter 4.05%
food 3.80%
tax 3.29%
customer 2.78%
admission 1.77%
minority 1.77%
taste 1.77%
liquidity 1.27%
liquidity + n. >>共 75
problem 26.80%
crunch 18.04%
crisis 8.58%
ratio 4.90%
trap 3.50%
situation 3.50%
position 3.15%
squeeze 2.63%
shortage 2.45%
curve 1.93%
preference 0.88%
每页显示:    共 5