1.   Clinton said that it was particularly worrisome that a general would be linked to drug trafficking.

2.   In recent weeks, Mexican police said the group was linked to drug gangs and that they had arrested more than a dozen suspected EPR sympathizers.

3.   Police investigated on Thursday whether the execution-style killing of a Colombian on a Madrid street was linked to drug trafficking.

4.   Police and army commanders stationed in the remote Huallaga valley have often been linked to drug traffickers in the past.

5.   Police believe the gunmen were linked to drug traffickers.

6.   A parliamentary commission looking into a government scandal is urging new, strict controls to discourage state-sponsored gangs linked to drug smuggling, murder and corruption.

7.   Among the most popular theories was that Colosio was killed as a result of power struggles within the PRI, or that the killing was linked to drug traffickers.

8.   Gatica said police believe Aquino and Garcia were linked to drug trafficking.

9.   Like other Caribbean countries, Jamaica says the death penalty deters crime linked to drug trafficking in the region.

10.   Police say the others were linked to drug gangs.

v. + drug >>共 7
link 68.75%
relate 12.50%
find 6.25%
lose 3.13%
object 3.13%
turn 3.13%
use 3.13%
link + v. >>共 168
drug 7.24%
mad 3.29%
lower 2.96%
trade 2.30%
export 1.97%
create 1.97%
right-wing 1.97%
progress 1.97%
heart 1.64%
suspect 1.64%
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