1.   Evidence exists that could link the ailments of sick Persian Gulf War veterans to Iraqi biological weapons, independent medical researchers warn.

2.   For instance, few of the secretaries who get carpal tunnel syndrome, an ailment linked to typing and other repetitive motions, belong to unions.

3.   Local health and environmental officials said that, so far, studies had not linked particular ailments in residents to the high lead and mercury levels around the plant.

4.   The report, however, linked the ailments to the sulphur dioxide, metals, dioxins, asbestos and depleted uranium released during the fire.

5.   Many people involved in the cleanup effort have become disabled and say their ailments are linked to their work at Chernobyl.

6.   No evidence has been found linking ailments to such weapons, Jessen said.

7.   Over-weight people should be given the same access to treatment as alcoholics because many ailments are linked to fatness, said Ahman.

8.   She immediately linked her ailment to the chocolate eclairs, and alerted authorities.

9.   Some veterans now link serious ailments to their participation in the Nevada tests, and many have organized to win compensation.

10.   The EU imposed the ban in March after British officials acknowledged that a fatal human brain ailment may be linked to mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

v. + ailment >>共 85
treat 13.29%
cure 8.04%
have 7.69%
cause 6.99%
suffer 5.59%
link 4.20%
diagnose 3.50%
discover 2.45%
discuss 2.10%
describe 1.75%
link + n. >>共 1485
attack 2.22%
arm 2.05%
group 1.86%
computer 1.50%
two 1.25%
name 1.16%
killing 1.16%
death 1.06%
issue 0.97%
case 0.97%
ailment 0.23%
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