1.   If he had any lingering doubts about the Marriage, he did not show it.

2.   Schoonover hopes that having the theater functioning will finally dispel any lingering doubts that the project is moving forward.

3.   She was niggled by a lingering doubt that she might have played her cards badly.

4.   As far as the game in Paris was concerned, the only lingering doubts before kick-off concerned the margin of the French victory.

5.   And if there were any lingering doubts about how real were her words in Nagano, they evaporated this week when Kwan repeated the thrust of those words.

6.   And the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack similarly has been subject to lingering doubts and suspicions.

7.   Andrade prevailed in a playoff over Bob Friend, dispelling any lingering doubts that he would win again.

8.   Any lingering doubt the Buckeyes might have had about themselves was erased in a triumphant three days at the Big Ten tournament.

9.   Another victory over Holyfield and second-round knockouts of overwhelmed challengers Michael Grant and Francois Botha removed any lingering doubt.

10.   Any lingering doubts Bob Moss had about being open with his children disappeared with that conversation.

a. + doubt >>共 236
reasonable 17.92%
serious 11.28%
lingering 6.70%
nagging 3.45%
new 3.32%
grave 2.99%
growing 2.79%
strong 2.52%
considerable 2.26%
further 2.19%
lingering + n. >>共 527
concern 9.76%
effect 5.45%
question 4.76%
doubt 4.63%
problem 3.25%
fear 2.89%
dispute 2.06%
tension 1.60%
bitterness 1.37%
uncertainty 1.28%
每页显示:    共 100