1.   But now throughout the Yugoslav diaspora, ethno-religious lines have hardened.

2.   Cultural fault lines in Petersham hardened the differences.

3.   In Texas, where partisan lines never hardened, compromise always seemed possible.

4.   Since then, battle lines have hardened, and the adversarial rhetoric has become pugnacious.

5.   The camps tend to separate in a hurry, and lines harden thereafter.

6.   The disputes have been polite so far, but they are likely to get more heated as the lines harden on both sides.

7.   Battle lines hardened Tuesday in the left-right dispute over a justice minister who took on popular corruption-fighting prosecutors in Milan.

8.   Since el-Mahdi issued his call in December to Khartoum to begin democratic reforms, the Alliance line has hardened.

9.   Since el-Mahdi issued his call in December to Khartoum to begin democratic reforms, the NDA line has hardened.

10.   On foreign policy, the Yeltsin line has also hardened.

n. + harden >>共 172
position 4.98%
side 4.65%
line 3.32%
attitude 3.32%
year 2.66%
face 2.33%
eye 1.99%
government 1.66%
opposition 1.33%
chocolate 1.33%
line + v. >>共 874
be 30.89%
have 3.13%
form 2.82%
go 2.07%
run 1.49%
include 1.30%
offer 1.30%
remain 1.22%
come 1.04%
snake 0.98%
harden 0.16%
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