1.   The application can be used with direct phone line connections and will later be available through the Internet as well.

2.   The four rings and then cut-out sounded like a Fax line connection.

3.   Before lighting the grill next spring, check your gas line, line connections and propane tank before restarting the grill.

4.   Check your gas line, line connections and propane tank before restarting the grill.

5.   It should also provide a telephone line connection to protect the modem, one or more warning lights that signal when the device is functioning and a substantial warranty.

6.   The connection has also proved more reliable than some wire line connections.

7.   The phone line connection also allows the companies to shoot software upgrades to your box.

8.   The property has no water, sewer, electricity, gas or telephone line connections.

9.   When you send information from your computer, such as sending e-mail or responding to a Web site survey, you use your regular modem and phone line connection.

10.   The amount of the reduction will depend on the type of line connections, the bandwidth and the communication distance.

n. + connection >>共 348
network 5.16%
telephone 5.07%
dial-up 4.52%
phone 4.52%
cable 3.41%
modem 3.32%
business 2.76%
drug 2.40%
computer 2.30%
satellite 1.94%
line 1.11%
line + n. >>共 563
coach 19.57%
call 5.48%
judge 3.31%
change 2.52%
play 1.83%
service 1.63%
manager 1.53%
number 1.48%
combination 1.19%
reading 1.14%
connection 0.59%
每页显示:    共 12