1.   PERT nodes are shown as boxes connected by lines illustrating the logical connections, with planned delays marked on them.

2.   A fiber optic line connects the antenna to Teligent subscribers in the building.

3.   Each access line connects a home or a business to a telecommunications provider.

4.   For one thing, it is designed to run over a local area network or an ISDN line connected to the Internet.

5.   Hoses bring fresh water, while telephone lines connect to the outside world.

6.   On the screen, a growing, colored line connected the bullet back to the barrel of the gun.

7.   The fly line connects to the leader, which is also tapered, all for better casting and presentation of the fly.

8.   The line connects Mexico City with Laredo, Texas, Veracruz and Lazaro Cardenas on the Pacific Ocean.

9.   The line connected Kansas City to Shreveport, La., and on to Port Arthur.

10.   The lines connected to dozens of tiny green squares identified in minuscule printing as businesses like the Beijing Tati Turbo Dragon Real Estate Co.

n. + connect >>共 548
user 3.57%
people 2.84%
road 1.94%
cable 1.86%
line 1.78%
bridge 1.62%
procedure 1.62%
computer 1.54%
system 1.38%
flight 1.22%
line + v. >>共 874
be 30.89%
have 3.13%
form 2.82%
go 2.07%
run 1.49%
include 1.30%
offer 1.30%
remain 1.22%
come 1.04%
snake 0.98%
connect 0.35%
每页显示:    共 22