1.   America Online and Microsoft have each rolled out interactive TV boxes, albeit with limited capabilities.

2.   A free shareware version with limited capabilities is also available.

3.   A takeover by radical elements within Pakistan also could pose a danger to other nations, since Islamabad has demonstrated at least a limited nuclear capability.

4.   But even this limited capability could be a lifesaver.

5.   For the most part, these are relatively weak countries with severe economic problems and limited military capabilities.

6.   Nor did the programs understand plumbing or heating systems, although they do offer limited electrical planning capabilities.

7.   Progressing through the game unlocks movie scenes, which are of surprisingly good quality considering the limited capabilities of a handheld game.

8.   Still, the all-wheel-drive system will help out in places where winter weather is a problem, and also will offer limited off-road capabilities.

9.   The dark attic of the Internet is only infiltrated as far as the very limited capabilities of a particular search engine.

10.   The goal is to overcome constraints such as skill shortages, rising costs of raw materials, and limited domestic manufacturing capabilities.

a. + capability >>共 532
nuclear 11.27%
military 9.42%
new 2.82%
technical 1.67%
multimedia 1.67%
manufacturing 1.47%
video 1.41%
offensive 1.35%
limited 1.15%
combat 1.15%
limited + n. >>共 1353
number 6.63%
amount 2.91%
resource 2.42%
time 2.15%
success 2.01%
partnership 1.86%
over 1.44%
oil 1.41%
access 1.38%
partner 1.33%
capability 0.19%
每页显示:    共 18