1.   But Beijing has offered only cautionary words about the ongoing war in Afghanistan, urging a short military campaign that will limit civilian casualties.

2.   But in pursuing their goals, NATO officials have made strenuous efforts to limit civilian casualties.

3.   But the use of force should be commensurate with the threat and designed to limit civilian casualties.

4.   Clinton administration officials argue that the presence of UN peacekeepers has helped to sharply limit civilian casualties.

5.   It is essential for American and British forces to limit civilian casualties.

6.   Israeli officers, however, say that they are under strict orders to limit casualties.

7.   It was not designed as a way to limit civilian casualties.

8.   The battle plan is intended to limit allied casualties, but prolongs the fight against Yugoslav forces and with it, the plight of the refugees.

9.   An international conference on conventional weapons agreed Friday to launch talks on how to limit civilian casualties from cluster bombs like those dropped by the United States in Afghanistan.

10.   But the Chinese have cautioned Bush that their support of the bombing campaign depends on the United States limiting casualties to only terrorists.

v. + casualty >>共 185
report 23.27%
cause 18.59%
suffer 13.91%
inflict 4.34%
avoid 3.57%
take 2.73%
mention 2.19%
evacuate 1.95%
claim 1.85%
confirm 1.78%
limit 0.67%
limit + n. >>共 857
number 4.73%
access 3.00%
amount 2.24%
ability 2.15%
use 2.06%
damage 1.76%
loss 1.72%
power 1.47%
gain 1.29%
activity 1.11%
casualty 0.18%
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