1.   Currently, electric utilities only have limited access to power plants outside their service areas.

2.   However, the portions of the bill limiting access to the courts were approved with almost no discussion.

3.   It offered low-cost housing and was free of the deed restrictions that limited black access to other areas of Los Angeles.

4.   Texas inmates currently have only limited access to telephones.

5.   The actors will have only limited access.

6.   The Cinema has limited wheelchair access, and people with disabilities should contact the House Manager in advance.

7.   This would at once limit access to the city by private vehicles and improve access for buses and coaches.

8.   The password which will be used to limit access to the packages created.

v. + access >>共 226
have 26.51%
gain 7.96%
give 5.68%
provide 4.86%
block 4.20%
allow 3.85%
deny 3.29%
get 3.15%
limit 3.02%
restrict 2.99%
limit + n. >>共 857
number 4.73%
access 3.00%
amount 2.24%
ability 2.15%
use 2.06%
damage 1.76%
loss 1.72%
power 1.47%
gain 1.29%
activity 1.11%
每页显示:    共 337