1.   Before mid-September, my ginger lily bloomed, after skipping last year.

2.   Peace lily will bloom soon, sending up white sails that wave above a shiny sea of dark green foliage.

3.   A single white lily bloomed on a table draped in purple.

4.   I live in deer country and my lily had scarcely bloomed than I got up one morning to find the tub overturned and the plant mangled.

5.   Several lilies will bloom over a season and, if properly winterized, the plant will produce again the next year.

n. + bloom >>共 223
flower 10.36%
plant 4.50%
tree 2.93%
romance 2.25%
rose 2.25%
tulip 2.25%
violet 1.80%
wildflower 1.80%
love 1.58%
blossom 1.35%
lily 1.13%
lily + v. >>共 28
be 29.17%
bloom 10.42%
include 4.17%
like 4.17%
prefer 4.17%
absorb 2.08%
belong 2.08%
do 2.08%
droop 2.08%
faint 2.08%
每页显示:    共 5